1. 思想品德好。宿舍成员遵守中国法律法规及学院管理规定,宿舍成员间和谐相处、友爱互助,尊敬师长、热爱集体,礼貌待人、言行文明。无违法违规事件。
2. 宿舍学风好。宿舍成员学习态度端正,按时上课,不迟到、不早退、不旷课;宿舍学习氛围浓,学习刻苦,积极参加各项比赛。无违反考试纪律问题。
3. 安全维护好。遵守学院安全管理规定,宿舍安全用电,不使用和存放违章电器;遵守消防规定,无易燃易爆物品、不吸烟;珍爱生命的意识强,不存放使用管制刀具和危险器械等。无安全事故事件。
4. 秩序遵守好。宿舍成员严格自律,自觉遵守学院的各项规章制度,按时作息,按时归寝,不私自校外住宿、不男女混住、不影响他人就寝、不存放兜售商品、不吸烟不酗酒、不养宠物等。未接到过其它宿舍投诉。无其它违规违纪问题。
5. 财产爱护好。爱护公物,节约能源,杜绝长明灯、长流水,及时关闭电源,不毁坏或不拆卸挪动公物及设施器材。无故意损坏公共财产现象。
6. 环境保护好。每日清扫整理宿舍卫生环境,室内及室外无垃圾、便池无污垢;床铺整洁,各类用品摆放整齐,不乱堆乱搭乱放;宿舍内墙壁干净,不乱贴、不乱写画,无反动、消极、有伤风化的图画文字。宿舍内无异味。无严重污染环境问题。
Excellent dormitory selection activity of International Education School
In order to create a good dormitory atmosphere and ensure that international students have a good and comfortable living environment, the School of International Education will hold an excellent dormitory selection activity in November. The selection criteria are:
1.Good ideological and moral character. Dormitory members abide by Chinese laws and regulations and college management regulations. Dormitory members live in harmony with each other, love each other, respect teachers, love the collective, treat others politely, and behave in a civilized manner. There were no violations.
2. Dormitory study style is good. Dormitory members have a good learning attitude, attend class on time, not late, not leave early, not miss class; Dormitory learning atmosphere is strong, study hard, and actively participate in various competitions. No violation of exam discipline.
3. Maintain security. Comply with the safety management and regulations of the college, use electricity safely in the dormitory, do not use and store illegal electrical appliances; Comply with fire control regulations, no inflammable and explosive materials, no smoking; Cherish the consciousness of life, do not store the use of controlled knives and dangerous equipment. There are no security incidents.
4. Be orderly. Dormitory members are strictly self-disciplined, consciously abide by the rules and regulations of the college, work and rest on time, go to bed on time, do not live off-campus without permission, do not mix with men and women, do not disturb other people's sleep, do not store and sell goods, do not smoke, do not drink, do not keep pets, etc. No other dormitory complaints have been received. No other violations of discipline,turn off the lamp,close taps when not in use, turn off the power in time, do not destroy or remove the public property and facilities and equipment. No intentional damage to public property.
6. Good environmental protection. Clean and tidy up the hygienic environment of dormitory every day, no garbage indoors and outdoors, no dirt in urinal; The bed is clean, all kinds of supplies are placed neatly, and there is no mess. The walls of the dormitory are clean, no pasting, no scribbling, no reactionary, negative, immoral picture words. There is no smell in the dormitory. No serious environmental pollution problem.